
We have listed the treatments at our Sligo Sport and Spine clinic below:

Chiropractic is a health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and its effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health. Chiropractors are spinal specialists, who are highly trained to deal with a wide range of neuro-musculoskeletal disorders.

The most important step in the management of musculoskeletal disorders is a comprehensive and thorough examination. Therefore the first goal of the assessment process is to identify appropriate case management or see whether there is a need to refer out to another healthcare professional or MRI. Once this has been cleared, next is to localise the site of the lesion and identify the extent of the involved tissue. For example, this can be a neck problem caused by a low back issue that has been present for many years asymptomatically. Once a diagnosis has been made through chiropractic and orthopaedic examination, the chiropractor will use a combination of high velocity and low amplitude adjustments and soft tissue treatments to restore proper joint biomechanics.

  • When injured, the tissue becomes fibrotic, forming adhesions leading to pain and dysfunction. Unaccustomed eccentric or concentric loading (overloading the muscle) e.g. lifting something too heavy and the muscle is unable to hold.(acute trauma)
  • Sustained postures e.g. poor posture
  • Repetitive low load stresses e.g. using the arm in a poor position while using the mouse all day at work leading to tennis elbow.
  • When injured, the tissue becomes fibrotic, forming adhesions leading to pain and dysfunction. An immediate reduction in local, referred and widespread pain.
  • Restoration of range of motion
  • Restoration of strength
  • Restoration of muscle activation patterns. (very important for chronic cases)

This is the use of tools to help clinicians effectively locate and treat patients with soft tissue dysfunction. The technique most likely is the evolution of an ancient Chinese technique called guasha but guasha works on meridians whereas Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation (IASTM) works directly on a specific muscle or fascial chain. There are many treatment modalities including Rocktapes, Graston and FAKTR.

IASTM is a massage procedure that is rapidly growing in popularity due to its effectiveness and efficiency.

IASTM works by breaking down small fascial restrictions and scar tissue. These adhesions or soft tissue dysfunctions most commonly come from repetitive strain, surgery and immobilisation. From clinical experience over 10 years, I’ve noticed it to be particularly effective on low back pain due to the thick thoracolumbar fascia and its ability to build up dysfunction from repetitive strain.

As in any manual therapy, It must be supplemented with exercise and spinal manipulative therapy to work on the whole kinematic chain to have the greatest long term success.

Active release technique ™ is a patented state of the art movement based technique that treats problems with the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. These soft tissues are almost always involved when we have either acute or chronic injury. When injured, the tissues become fibrotic, forming adhesions leading to pain and dysfunction. Active release techniques ™ is the gold standard in restoring normal function.

Most Health Insurance companies cover chiropractic as part of their policies. It is very important to check with your provider specifically about their requirements for coverage. Patients will pay for treatment and reclaim the cost through their insurers.